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Job: Public/Private Partnerships Program Manager, Washington State

One of the best jobs in emergency management.

I suppose all jobs in emergency management are good ones, but the thought of building relationships and partnerships with the private sector to improve disaster resilience is something I've tried doing for my entire civilian career in emergency management. Not the easiest thing to do — but rewarding.

The challenge for the person assuming this particular job is that there has been a rotation of people through the position, with several people coming and going. It will make it extremely difficult for the next person getting this position. When the person does contact a business or industry, the question in the mind of the person in the private sector will be, "And how long will you be in this position?" They may not say it, but they will be thinking it!

Here you go: Public/Private Partnerships Program Manager
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.