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An Opportunity to Help Military Personnel Transition to Civilian Life

Do more than say, "Thank you for your service."

There is a Department of Defense program called DOD SkillBridge.

Briefly this program does this:

"The Department of Defense invests tens of thousands of dollars in training for its Service members. This formal training is supplemented by extensive on-the-job training and accumulated hands on experience gained throughout the Service member’s career. Through the SkillBridge program, you can tap into the expertise of former Service members by sponsoring internship and pre-apprenticeship opportunities through the SkillBridge program."

Take a moment and investigate the link above to see how you might participate. I had to make this transition myself. Many a service member will "Thank you for your service when you do participate."
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.