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Disaster Zone Podcast: ‘Enhancing Grid Readiness with Battery Storage’

Is energy storage in your future?

The future is electric — where have you heard that before? We are definitely headed that way, ready or not!

With the above in mind, see this Disaster Zone podcast: “Enhancing Grid Readiness with Battery Storage.” I’ve talked to a few people about their electric vehicle charging experiences and each has a story to tell about the challenges they encountered trying to drive long distances with an all electric car.

I also have a friend who I sent this podcast as I knew he was investigating adding a solar array to his home. He found it very interesting.

You can read the podcast description below. It gives an overview of the issue and the possibility to provide some energy redundancy to your home.

It is duly noted that once again, not everyone can afford this technology and the benefits it can bring. In the podcast I did learn something new about the fact that there are different types of lithium batteries and some are much more stable than others based on their chemistry. I did not know that.

Another quick note: I saw an article that said car companies are starting to invest in lithium mining companies because of the need for large quantities of the resource.

Podcast description:

“If you don’t know it, we are headed for a significant energy challenge in the near future. Too much demand for electricity, an outdated and aging electrical grid, and an imbalance for where the energy needs are and where energy is being generated. Which brings us to the topic of today’s podcast. How energy storage using batteries is a good choice for a number of applications, be it for a home, business or a utility. Tyler Hortin is CFO, Board of Directors Member and Co-Founder of American Battery Factory (ABF) and President of Lion Energy, Tyler Hortin has more than 20 years of financial, manufacturing, emergency preparedness and supply chain experience and more than ten years of energy storage experience. Hortin has worked at Lion Energy for more than five years and at ABF since its inception. In the podcast we discuss the challenges we are facing and what solutions exist.”
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.