AWS Public Sector Blog secures education service for 11 million students with AWS secures education service for 11 million students with AWS

Read this post in Indonesian. is the first blended learning system in Indonesia that offers learning programs for all types of learners. Their mission is to engage Indonesian K12 school children, from three to 17 years old, to help them succeed in key competencies and future achievements by providing quality education services with a personalized and flexible curriculum. knew it was integral to secure their digital education services to earn the trust and confidence of the students, teachers, and families. built their education platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to achieve this important mission.

Securing the digital education platform built their education platform on AWS Fargate containers for orchestration. This is combined with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Services (Amazon S3), and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) to deliver content and student management information. To support continuous compliance monitoring and threat detection across the environment, uses AWS Security Hub and Amazon GuardDuty. With continuous monitoring of their environment, can respond quickly to cybersecurity events and reduce disruption to their education services for students and teachers.

Figure 1: Architectural diagram of’s digital education service. The major components include Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Cluster, Amazon RDS, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, and AWS Config.

Figure 1: Architectural diagram of’s digital education service. The major components include Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Cluster, Amazon RDS, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, and AWS Config.

As a public facing education service, faces persistent web threats from botnets that attempt various attack techniques e.g. SQL Injection and brute force attacks. AWS WAF, a web application firewall, protected their education services against over 140,000 attacks per month; thereby providing continued service availability to students. AWS WAF was configured with Web access control list (WebACLs) that are composed of AWS Managed Rules, which include a core rule set and SQL injection, and custom rate limiting rules. To further validate the effectiveness of the security controls, invested in penetration testing of their public facing services to identify and promptly resolve vulnerabilities.

Additionally, to protect the confidentiality of application credentials, AWS Secrets Manager encrypts sensitive credentials with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys, applying fine-grained access control restrictions on who and what service can decrypt the credential.

Close collaboration with AWS

Implementing these AWS native security services helped prepare for their annual ISO-27001 audit, which validates the robustness of information security protection. Prior to the ISO-27001 audit attestation, AWS security specialists worked closely with Rhezandra Priatama,’s chief technology officer (CTO), on an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review (WAFR) security assessment of their environment that provided visibility and prescriptive guidance for improving’s security posture.

As continues to grow its base of more than 11 million users, supporting and scaling the robust security of its education services is paramount. This strong security culture gives increased confidence in building innovative products for the Indonesian student population.’s cybersecurity journey demonstrates how companies can take proactive steps to safeguard their systems and data, as well as protect their customers from the growing risk of cyber threats.

“At, the safety and security of our students and their data is our top priority. We recognize the importance of investing in cybersecurity and are committed to continuously enhancing our cybersecurity posture to stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape. This security culture allows us to focus on building innovative education services,” said Priatama.

To get a deeper understanding of your organization’s security posture, contact your AWS Account manager to request an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review of your AWS workload. mengamankan layanan edukasi untuk 11 juta siswa dengan AWS adalah sistem pembelajaran campuran (blended learning) pertama di Indonesia yang menawarkan program pembelajaran untuk semua jenis peserta didik. Misi mereka adalah melibatkan anak-anak Indonesia usia wajib belajar 12 tahun, dari 3 hingga 17 tahun, agar berhasil dalam kompetensi kunci dan pencapaian masa depan dengan menyediakan layanan edukasi berkualitas dengan kurikulum yang dipersonalisasi serta fleksibel. tahu bahwa mengamankan layanan edukasi digital mereka merupakan hal yang tak terpisahkan untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan, serta keyakinan siswa, guru, dan keluarga. membangun platform edukasi mereka di Amazon Web Services (AWS) untuk mencapai misi penting ini.

Mengamankan platform edukasi digital membangun platform edukasi di kontainer AWS Fargate untuk orkestrasi. Ini dikombinasikan dengan Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Services (Amazon S3), serta Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) untuk menyampaikan konten dan informasi manajemen siswa. Untuk mendukung pemantauan kepatuhan berkelanjutan dan deteksi ancaman di seluruh lingkungan, menggunakan AWS Security Hub dan Amazon GuardDuty. Dengan pemantauan berkelanjutan atas lingkungan mereka, dapat merespons dengan cepat terhadap peristiwa keamanan siber dan mengurangi gangguan terhadap layanan edukasi mereka bagi siswa dan guru.

Gambar 1: Diagram arsitektur layanan edukasi digital  Komponen utama meliputi Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, Klaster Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon RDS, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, dan AWS Config.

Gambar 1: Diagram arsitektur layanan edukasi digital Komponen utama meliputi Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, Klaster Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon RDS, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, dan AWS Config.

Sebagai layanan pendidikan yang menghadap publik, terus-menerus menghadapi ancaman web dari botnet yang mencoba menyerang dengan berbagai macam teknik seperti Injeksi SQL dan serangan brutal ( brute force). AWS WAF, firewall aplikasi web, melindungi layanan edukasi mereka dari lebih dari 140.000 serangan per bulan; dengan demikian memberikan ketersediaan layanan berkelanjutan kepada siswa. AWS WAF dikonfigurasi dengan daftar kontrol akses Web (WebACL) yang terdiri dari Aturan Terkelola AWS, yang mencakup kumpulan aturan inti dan injeksi SQL serta aturan pembatasan laju kustom. Untuk lebih memvalidasi efektivitas kontrol keamanan, berinvestasi dalam uji penetrasi layanan publik mereka untuk mengidentifikasi dan segera menyelesaikan kerentanan.

Selain itu, untuk melindungi kerahasiaan kredensial aplikasi, AWS Secrets Manager mengenkripsi kredensial sensitif dengan kunci AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) untuk menerapkan pembatasan kontrol akses yang sangat terperinci terhadap siapa dan layanan apa yang dapat mendekripsi kredensial.

Kolaborasi dekat dengan AWS

Menerapkan layanan keamanan native AWS ini membantu mempersiapkan audit ISO-27001 tahunan mereka yang memvalidasi ketangguhan perlindungan keamanan informasi. Sebelum pengesahan audit ISO-27001, spesialis keamanan AWS bekerja bersama dengan Rhezandra Priatama, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), pada penilaian keamanan Tinjauan Kerangka Kerja AWS Well-Architected (WAFR) terhadap lingkungan mereka yang memberikan visibilitas dan panduan preskriptif untuk meningkatkan postur keamanan

Mendukung dan menskalakan keamanan yang tangguh di layanan edukasinya merupakan hal terpenting karena terus mengembangkan basisnya dengan lebih dari 11 juta pengguna. Budaya keamanan yang kuat ini membuat semakin percaya diri dalam membangun produk inovatif bagi populasi siswa Indonesia. Perjalanan keamanan siber menunjukkan bagaimana perusahaan dapat mengambil langkah proaktif untuk melindungi sistem dan data mereka, serta melindungi pelanggan mereka dari meningkatnya risiko ancaman siber.

“Di, keselamatan dan keamanan siswa kami serta data mereka adalah prioritas utama kami. Kami menyadari pentingnya berinvestasi dalam keamanan siber dan berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan postur keamanan siber kami agar tetap berada di depan lanskap ancaman yang terus berkembang. Budaya keamanan ini memungkinkan kami untuk fokus membangun layanan edukasi yang inovatif,” kata Priatama.

Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang postur keamanan organisasi, hubungi AWS Account Manager untuk meminta Tinjauan Kerangka Kerja AWS Well-Architected terkait beban kerja AWS Anda.

Kuok Chiang Kim

Kuok Chiang Kim

Kuok Chiang, a senior security advisor in Amazon Web Services (AWS), works with customers across Asia Pacific to lift their security posture and overcome security challenges. He is also an AWS customer incident responder to help customers during active security events.

Jessica Ang

Jessica Ang

Jessica is a solution architect who specialises in security for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Based in Singapore, she is passionate about helping ASEAN customers secure their workload and enabling customers to optimise their time using the latest AWS Security Services. She believe the right use of tools and automation can increase the efficiency of a security investigation.