Microsoft To Do app for iOS and Android launching in GCC
Published Aug 19 2022 09:00 AM 7,741 Views

We are excited to announce that the iOS and Android apps for Microsoft To Do (a tool for managing and sharing tasks and lists) is rolling out to GCC (Government Community Cloud) users. The rollout begins in late August, with plans to be completed by mid-September. This launch will add the mobile apps to the web and Outlook functionality that GCC accounts already have today.


Using To Do on iOS and Android means that users can bring the power and flexibility of task list management wherever they go, with an intuitive UI closely resembling the experience users know from the web app: 


Android Steps - Samsung S8.gif

Surface Duo users will also appreciate the 2-screen experience of the Android app that allows them to view their list of tasks on 1 screen, while viewing the details of a particular task on the other:




No admin action is needed to enable To Do mobile app access for GCC tenantsFeatures that remain unavailable in GCC at this time (consistent with the limitations of To Do Web) include shared list notifications, and the ability to share task lists outside your organization.  


For more information, check out the support page.   

For more info from me on collaboration & teamwork, follow me at TeamworkCowbell (blog | Twitter | YouTube) or at ricardo303SharePointCowbell, and LinkedIn.

Copper Contributor

Excellent news. Will this include Windows Desktop To Do? or is that on the Horizon also?


@jkwong This release is only limited to To Do iOS and Android apps in GCC moderate. To Do Windows and Mac apps for GCC moderate are on our roadmap and we will be releasing them in the near future.
Thank you for your comment.

Copper Contributor

Any word on when the desktop app will be available to GCC?

Copper Contributor

@Kutharsus Slight good news, Outlook client on the desktop has todo shortcut built in that users can use. As long as the outlook client is on 2302 or newer it will display the todo shortcut in outlook and can access it there.

Version history
Last update:
‎Aug 18 2022 10:35 AM
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