Universal Print in GCC and GCC High AMA and Private preview
Published May 04 2023 12:56 PM 7,949 Views

We are excited to announce the upcoming private preview and AMA of Universal Print in GCC and GCC High. This has been a long-awaited availability for government organizations and this private preview will have full feature parity with what exists in the commercial cloud today. With Universal Print, government organizations can feel confident that their printing solution offers security and quality for employees and admins alike.  


Universal Print in Gov AMA

Join our AMA on Wednesday, May 10th at 8 am PST | 11 am EST here on the Public Sector Event space

In this AMA, you will get answers to your questions about Universal Print availability in GCC and GCC High and learn how you can use Universal Print in your organization, and learn more about our upcoming preview options


Eligibility and sign up  


To be eligible for private preview of Universal Print in GCC and GCC High, your organization must already have one of these existing SKUs: 

  • Win OLS Activation User G3 GCC 
  • Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5 - GCCHIGH 
  • Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5 Commercial (GCC Compatible) 


If you are interested in joining this private preview, please sign up here and we will reach out to you when private preview is available: https://ncv.microsoft.com/oW6ewOXFru 


To learn more, join our Universal Print in Gov webinar and AMA on May 10th at 8am PT. 


About the author

Picture of Rachelle CheungPicture of Rachelle Cheung

Rachelle Cheung is a Product Manager on the Universal Print product team. 

Copper Contributor

Any update on the rollout of this service in GCC High?

Copper Contributor

Also, why does the main sales page for Universal Print start with an ad for Windows 11.  Is windows 11 required to interact with Universal Print?



@QSlighquentin_sligh Universal Print is now generally available in both GCC and GCC High. Please check out our upcoming Universal Print in Government Webinar and AMA if you are interested in learning more: Universal Print in Gov AMA - Microsoft Community Hub


@Jerome Wink Universal Print in GCC is supported in Windows 10, version 1903+. Universal Print in GCC High is supported in Windows 11.

Copper Contributor

Something we missed for GCC.  If you are GCC you can get Universal Print but you don't get Universal Print.  There's a line hiding in a sub doc, hiding in a purple-pinkish box that eludes to this.


If you are GCC and are G3/G5 you have to go and enroll the feature through a  $0 purchasing using an arbitrary PO so that your G3/G5 license is activated as including the Universal Print service entry.

Version history
Last update:
‎May 08 2023 01:08 PM
Updated by: