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Public Sector

New offerings for government organizations to get started with AI

November 11, 2022
Edward Rosen

Cloud Customer Experience, Google Cloud

Cloud-native features are helping public sector teams innovate faster than ever. Ideas discussed in a morning meeting can be a working proof of concept later that day. Managed services can remove administrative burden and reduce the steps needed to design and provision cloud infrastructure. Security can be built-in from the beginning with Identity and Access Management (IAM), Virtual Private Cloud Service Controls (VPC-SC), and Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Short-lived services and infrastructure-as-code allow rapid and cost-effective prototyping. These technologies can be used to architect a solution that follows the principle of least privilege and helps you secure your data. 

So the question becomes: given the complex problems agencies face, where do you start? Google Public Sector now offers “Getting Started” and “Scaling” service offerings for CCAI, DocAI, and BigQuery to help you jumpstart your AI journey, based on where you are. 

Complex problems, simpler AI-based solutions

Solving more challenging problems with cloud-native technology doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You can approach them the same way you might solve a puzzle: start with one piece that follows another until the larger picture takes shape. Though you can simplify the steps, solving these problems still requires powerful tools. Google Cloud’s AI/ML capabilities may be the answer for your team.

Google Public Sector is making it easier to get started with advanced technologies, beginning with artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) workloads for government organizations, and it’s something you can do now, one piece at a time.

Automating your FAQs with CCAI

Does your agency require a team to answer commonly asked questions? What if you could train an agent to answer questions immediately and operate 24/7? Contact Center AI (CCAI) can do this and more. Already using CCAI and need the agent to level up to address complex interactive dialogs? Getting Started with CCAI and Scaling with CCAI are new Google service offerings specifically designed to help public sector organizations tackle situations like these.

Automate data entry with DocAI

How many hours does your team spend manually reviewing or entering data from standardized forms? What if you could automatically pull data right from the page? Google Document AI (DocAI) specializes in exactly this—even if the form has handwritten text. Getting Started with DocAI and Scaling with DocAI are new service offerings that help you remove this burden from your team. DocAI automates data entry and makes that data available to other teams while prioritizing both security and ease of use.

Making data and insights accessible with BigQuery

Then there’s all your existing data. You may have years of it stored in many places, and you may not have a way to make use of it when you need it. BigQuery is Google’s enterprise data warehouse. It was designed for data analytics—looking back at historical data to make conclusions about it. But BigQuery's analytics don't stop there. It can also look forward in time to make predictions, often using the same datasets. Getting Started with BigQuery and Scaling with BigQuery are new service offerings that help you take your first steps toward AI/ML capabilities by starting with a single table or pipeline that can help make sense of all your data.

The best help is the kind that meets you where you are and gets you where you want to be. Google Public Sector's new service offerings do just that: help you work through complex problems by meeting you wherever your starting line is, whether you’re ready to start or ready to scale. Let us know if you would like us to contact you about the services mentioned in this article. Let's solve your highest impact problems together, one puzzle piece at a time.

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