Equality at Work: Unleashing AI’s Power to Foster Inclusion in the Labor Market

April Miller is a senior technology writer at ReHack Magazine. She is particularly passionate about sharing her expertise with people in professions such as government and education, helping them implement technology into their professional lives to increase their productivity, efficiency and personal enjoyment of their work.

Workplace diversity has grown increasingly important in recent decades. Today, companies and human resource specialists have made equality and inclusion a critical initiative in business operations.

To achieve their goals, the labor market is leaning toward the latest artificial intelligence to foster a greater sense of belonging. Learn more about how AI tools are making a difference for everyone at work. 

Importance of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at Work

People intuitively understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion. In the workplace, an emphasis on creating a more inclusive environment benefits a company’s bottom line.

According to the International Labour Organization, only one-third of businesses measure equality and inclusion. Often, inclusion is correlated with seniority rather than someone’s background, race, ethnicity, gender or age. This number is backed by 92% of senior management reporting they feel included compared to 76% of those in lower positions.

Yet, when everyone feels included with access to equitable growth, they are more likely to perform better. Companies also gain access to a broader talent pool, improving retention rates, productivity and job satisfaction.

Challenges Around Equality and Inclusion Initiatives

Corporations face challenges in integrating workplace diversity, equality and inclusion. For instance, not everyone may prioritize efforts across teams — whereas a simple solution would be to build those initiatives into the business strategy.

Other challenges of implementing workplace equality and inclusion are:

  • Limited plans without measurable metrics
  • Insufficient resource allocation, including budgeting
  • Not viewed as an urgent issue
  • Poor accountability for developing and implementing diversity initiatives
  • Resistance to change and lack of commitment to inclusion programs
  • Discrimination and biases

Overcoming the challenges is complex. However, AI authorizes businesses to address certain aspects of their inclusivity problems and streamline their everyday approach.

AI has been a contentious topic among business professionals as its development rapidly shifts the labor market.


4 Ways to Utilize AI to Foster Workplace Inclusion

As AI evolves and advances, businesses can harness more of its power to build diversity and equal opportunities. Currently, they can utilize AI to foster inclusion in the following four areas.

Foster Workplace Accessibility

Since the pandemic, remote work has become ingrained in workplace culture — despite companies issuing return-to-office mandates. Nearly 70% of employees want flexibility, with the option to work from home.

 Although some companies have taken a hard stance against it, remote work has improved accessibility for those with disabilities or caregiving responsibilities. According to a Pew Research Center survey, nearly 50% of workers say accessibility is critical when choosing an employer.

AI systems increase access for remote workers and those with disabilities through speech transcription tools, virtual assistants for scheduling and communications assistance and automation of repetitive tasks. Microsoft even created the Seeing AI app to help blind individuals navigate their surroundings safely.

Create a Fairer Hiring Process

Hiring processes are the bain of job seekers’ existence. Likewise, HR specialists may allow their highly human biases to get in the way of hiring superior talent. 

AI tools are blind and don’t consider one’s education, experience, demographics or location. It relies on the text provided to sift through applications. For example, nearly 25% of Australian companies use AI company Sapia’s recruitment tools, featuring one-way video interviewing and automated reference checks, among other things.

AI can assess more applicants and add more diverse job seekers into the mix. Also, it can highlight areas for improvement — such as removing biased language from job posts or interview questions.

Of course, it runs the risk of creating new biases, too. AI systems are built by people, meaning AI adopts their biases as part of the data.

Personalize Training and Skills Development

Nearly 58% of employees would leave their companies if their employer didn’t offer professional development or skills-based training. However, there isn’t a single approach to ongoing learning.

AI tools can identify employee knowledge gaps and create personalized learning modules to bring them up to speed. The algorithms may then recommend targeted resources, lessons, videos and reading materials to boost participation and expertise. Employees may also receive feedback in real-time after completing the learning modules.

Companies reap the rewards of well-trained teams. Employees who undergo professional development apply their learning and are more adept in the latest technologies and industry trends.

Track Progress

AI can analyze large amounts of data and notice patterns or trends. These features allow companies to gain insights into their inclusivity efforts and progress. 

Businesses can use AI insights to understand whether current initiatives work and develop measures for improving diversity and equality. Likewise, companies can use the data to set benchmarks for meeting future diversity, equality and inclusion goals.

AI Creates Inclusivity When Deployed Fairly

AI has been a contentious topic among business professionals as its development rapidly shifts the labor market. However — when appropriately deployed — companies can maximize AI to foster equality and inclusion among teams.

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