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Rutland Herald: Good Signs - GovPilot Improving City's Efficiency & Services

By Rutland Herald

When it comes to city government, most folks are quick to criticize but slow with a compliment. File this column in the latter category.

A few weeks back, during one of our last big snowfalls, a city plow truck took out the stop sign sitting on the corner of my property. No shade on the driver; the sign was unintended collateral damage in the race to keep the schools open that day — much to the chagrin of kids across the city.

Equally chagrined was my almost-3-year-old son, who could not abide the mangled sign outside our window. The sign now sat tilted at a 45-degree angle, casually suggesting stopping in a manner that seemed to match the spirit with which many drivers already approached the intersection. (Note to drivers: Even my toddler has figured out that “red means stop.”)

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