Latest Policy Process research from Policy & Politics free to access

As proud co-sponsors of the Conference on Policy Process Research 2024, we bring you our latest policy process research, free to access for the conference period from 15-17 May. 

Please look out for members of our team attending COPPR! 

Happy reading! 

Organisation, information processing, and policy change in US federal bureaucracies 
Authors: Samuel Workman, Scott E. Robinson, and Tracey Bark 

Identifying proactive and reactive policy entrepreneurs in collaborative networks in flood risk management 
Authors: Per Becker, Jörgen Sparf, and Evangelia Petridou 

Critical race theory, policy ambiguity and implementation: a multiple streams framework analysis  
Authors: Jen Schneider and Luke Fowler 

The politics of anger: emotional appraisal mechanisms and the French pension reform protests 
Authors: Johanna Kuhlmann and Peter Starke 

Advocacy coalitions, soft power, and policy change in Mexican electricity policy: a discourse network analysis 
Author: Raúl Gutiérrez-Meave 

Identifying and explaining policy preferences in Swiss water management 
Authors: Thomas Bolognesi, Eva Lieberherr, and Manuel Fischer 

Policy beliefs, belief uncertainty, and policy learning through the lens of the Advocacy Coalition Framework 
Author: Matthew C. Nowlin 

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