How HHS’s Data Science CoLab catalyzes employee innovation: An interview with Will Yang, CoLab Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Episode #166

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently launched a pilot version of a new initiative called the Data Science CoLab, an eight-week-long data science training program. The first class, which kicked off in October 2017, included 25 employees from different agencies within HHS and with different levels of knowledge about using data. Participants applied to work on a specific data project that they proposed. The initiative builds on related HHS innovation initiatives, including the IDEA Lab and the Ignite Accelerator.

To learn more, we are joined by Will Yang. He has been an Innovation and Design Consultant at HHS for more than five years and now leads the CoLab.

Additional resource: A recent FedScoop article discusses Will Yang’s reflections on the first cohort of the CoLab [click here].

Related interview: An earlier Gov Innovator podcast interview with Bryan Sivak, then CTO of HHS, discusses implementing a department-wide innovation strategy [click here].

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